Feedback questions on spring-peacecamp 2005 in Israel
Dear participant of the spring-peacecamp 2005

Please write an essay relating to the following questions:

1. Describe the peacecamp which took place in Israel from March 31st to April 7th.
What were its main parts? Describe what you have seen, experienced and learned.
2. Describe your personal feelings and thoughts related to this camp. What did you receive from this camp? What was missing or unsatisfying?
3. What was left open and unresolved and with what open questions do you find yourself now, after the second peacecamp?
4. What would be your wishes, expectations and suggestions for another peacecamp?

Please relate to all questions in as much detail as possible.

I am expecting your answer not later than Monday, April 25th, 2005

You can post your answers here, as comment, or mail them to me:

Thank you very much

April 7th, 2005

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Peacecamp review by Toati (also known as Ben Serota)
First of all I'd like to say that I loved this camp and it left me with an amazing feeling!

As George said so many times in our discussions; the project shouldn't have been named "Peacecamp" but "friendship camp". Referring to the last camp, I would disagree, but this camp that took part in Israel fits that definition precisely.
During the camp in Israel, we visited many places that some people found important to be seen. Through this camp we bonded and enhanced our relationships that sprouted way out there in Austria where we first met. Not beyond my wildest dreams did I fantasize of making soul bonds through this experience.
Identities unsolved you ask me? My Identity took shape from the camp in Austria. My knowledge of Identity problems and conflicts has grown through the camp in Israel, but not as much as it did in the last summer. The Identity issue was indeed regarded to this camp, though for me it was such a tiny part of the experience. I have other unsolved issues, which in a way actually regard to my Identity.

In an as much unbiased opinion as I can provide, I should say that the educational contribution halted after the camp in Austria. This spring camp was a friendship gathering, and although we learned so much about ourselves- the most important thing! – the camp could be summed at that.

Sorry if I bummed any one who read this! 

With love to all of you,
Hoping to meet in the summer!!!

Ben Serota

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