Meet the Slovene participants of peacecamp 3(summer 2005)

GSM: 040 953 886
1990-born in Slovenj Gradec
1996-2004 – elementary school
2001-2005 – music school
2004-…High school Ravne
Accordion, music, my motorbike, computer, my friends

GSM: 031 564 331
Nika Grögl
Senčna vas 8
2392 Mežica
I'm Nika Grögl and I was born on 21. 12. 1987 in slovenj Gradec. I visited elementary school in Mežica from 1993-2002. Now I'm a student at High school Ravne. When I will finish this school I will go to the army.
I live in Mežica with my mum Andreja, my sister Karin, my grandmother and grandfather. My hobbies are singing, dancing, books, animals…

2366 Muta
(this adress will be valid from 1. 7. 2005)GSM: 031 220 439
1986 - born in Slovenj Gradec
1994 – 2001 – Elementary school
2001 – 2004 –High school in Velenje
2005 – High school Ravne
Horse riding, reading, to ride a bicycle, music, friends and family.

GSM: 051 322 119
Matej Mrakič
Gortina 52
2366 Muta
1987 – born in Slovenj Gradec
1994-2002 – elementary school
2002 – ? – high school
Computers, sports, space, reading.

GSM: 040 886 561
Sašo Sečnjak
Hmelina 27
2360 Radlje ob Dravi
1987 - born in Slovenj Gradec
1994 - 2002 primary school
2002 - high school
My Girlfrend Bojana, computers, motorbikes, airplains, boxing, basketball, and a lot of other things.

I´m Barbara Jurak and I was born on 6.4.1989 in Slovenj Gradec. I visited elementary school Prežihov Voranc from 1995 – 2003. Now I´m a student at Hight school Ravne na Koroškem. When I will finish this school, I will go studying architecture to Maribor.
I live with my mum Erna, my sister Renata and my three little dogs. My hobbies are skiing, swimming, reading books, riding….

My name is Aleš Ločnikar. I am 18 years old and I come from Gortina. I am going to the Srednja šola in Ravne na Koroškem, where I am finishing the third class of the middle technical school. In my free time I have a lot to do with music. I like to listen to it and play it. I also like cars, hifi,… I am an communicative person and I like to meet new, interesting people. I speak english and german.
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